The US Midterm Elections, 2010


Thomas Hart Benton, “The Kentuckian,” 1954

1,085 words

As I write, it looks like the Democratic party will retain control of the US Senate by a narrowed margin and the Republican party will gain control of the US House of Representatives by a narrow margin. The likely result: gridlock, centrism, pervasive dissatisfaction, and ever-increasing polarization. In short: This has been a good election viewed in terms of the long-term interests of white Americans.

(1) This election is a repudiation of the presidency of Barack Obama, specifically Obama as a “post-racial” and leftist president. Two years ago, I predicted the following [2]:

Obama, like Clinton, will probably begin his administration with an orgy of high-minded oratory and high-priced social uplift programs, rapidly wear out his welcome, suffer a series of humiliating defeats, and end his administration as a centrist: exhausted, cynical, morally-compromised, an object of near-universal scorn.

I never dreamed, however, that Obama’s presidency would collapse so fast, a function of the man’s essential emptiness. He is the weakest president since Carter, the most despised since Nixon. Furthermore, unlike Carter and Nixon, Obama’s stature will not rise when he leaves office. In their own ways, Nixon and Carter were too big for the office, thus they blossomed when they were not being “handled” and “fed” things to say. But we all know what happens when Obama does not have a teleprompter or Rahm Emanuel around. I am betting that Obama will be a one term president. The real question is whether he runs again in 2012. The 2012 presidential election is the Republicans’ to lose.

(2) The best thing for white Americans is continued racial and political polarization until the system cracks. Two years ago, I wrote:

The recent presidential campaign has been racially divisive and polarizing, and that is a good thing. Countless whites have become newly conscious of their distinct racial identity and interests. Of course the Republican candidate, John McCain, did nothing to encourage this process. Nothing, that is, until he added Sarah Palin to the Republican ticket, which brought about a vicious and polarizing reaction from the left, particularly Jews [3]. Millions of whites, most of them from the productive minority that carries the rest of the country, spontaneously identified with Palin. Thus the establishment’s hatred for her—and, by extension, them—was very instructive. Many became not just aware, but fighting mad.

Sarah Palin, of course, is still a polarizing figure. I hope she stays out there attracting liberal lightning bolts, but the Republicans would have to be The Stupid Party to run her for president in 2012. A much greater cause for hope is the phenomenal growth of the Tea Party movement. Like Palin, the Tea Partiers profess anti-racist, universalist Americanism of the classical liberal variety [4]. But to the left they still just look like a bunch of rednecks and crackers, and as Matt Parrott [5] has pointed out, if you call a white man a white man long enough he might just take your ugly insult to heart.

In short, the racial polarization of 2008 has continued and intensified.

Gridlock, however, will do far more to further racial polarization than a Republican sweep of both the House and the Senate. As I wrote in 2008:

. . . a McCain victory would only have dissipated this tendency to greater white racial consciousness. If McCain won, it would have been blamed on Republican racism, even though Obama would presumably have been defeated by racist Democrats who would have refused to vote for him. Republicans never would have considered voting for a Democrat in the first place, black or not. Nevertheless, a McCain administration would do everything in its power not to further white racial consciousness.

An Obama presidency, however, will only intensify racial polarization and stimulate greater white racial consciousness and self-assertiveness. More of the sleepers will waken.

(3) The only thing I hoped for from the present election is a strong showing for anti-immigration candidates. Immigration is really the only political issue that White Nationalists should bother with today, since we desperately need to close the borders, and we can make real progress in that direction.

An immigration cut off would not decrease racial tension and polarization, since differential birth rates would still doom whites to eventual demographic eclipse even if the borders were sealed today.

What an immigration freeze would give us is time, and given the sorry state of the White Nationalist movement today, we need all the time we can get. We need time to organize ourselves, so that changing circumstances will give us more than mere opportunities to congratulate ourselves on our prescience. When events break our way, we need to be able to convert them into real political power.

In terms of immigration, this election has been a mixed bag. Symbolically, the best victories would have been Tom Tancredo as governor of Colorado and Sharon Angle as senator from Nevada. Both were long-shots, but both were defeated. In terms of substance, however, the House and Senate both will be seating a solid group of immigration restrictionists.

(4) Gridlock in Washington means that nothing will be done to alleviate the current economic depression, and this provides another important opportunity for White Nationalists. Already, at the end of 2009, the US Census Bureau pushed back the date when whites become a minority from 2042 to 2050 [6], citing the depression as the main reason for the slowed demographic changes.

If only 2 years of depression bought us 8 years of breathing space, I say let the bad times roll!

The Great Depression of the 1930s was also the Red Decade, because the Communists took it as an opportunity to organize, not as an excuse to close their purses and pull their punches. White Nationalists need to be just as smart [7]. Let future historians call this the “White Century,” the first of many to come.

This election, in short, is good news for White Nationalists.

Even though our cause is just, truth is on our side, and eventually we will win, we can’t lose sight of the fact that, at present, we are a small, despised, poorly-organized, and powerless minority. The political system is stacked against us. The predominant moral climate holds racism to be the ultimate evil. Aside from the internet, we have no way to get our arguments to the masses.

Thus the best we can hope for from an election are events that argue in our favor and opportunities for action and growth. This election guarantees continued racial polarization and offers real opportunities for a respite on immigration. So let’s get to work.