Hoosier Sovereignty

924 words


Thomas Hart Benton, "Parks, the Circus, the Klan, the Press," from the History of Indiana Murals, 1933

We’re not leaving America, America left us. This federal government, with its colonies of cosmopolitans and third world slum dwellers, never did share our founding principles. It’s openly hostile to the traditions of the founding nationality from which those principles emerged. This regime not only ignores our constitution, it assails our constitution. This regime not only ignores its constituents, it is engaged in a plot to abolish the electorate and appoint a new global constituency.

This chapter is titled “sovereignty” and not “secession” because it is sovereignty, and not necessarily secession, which we must rally to defend and must not compromise. If we can persuade the federal government to honor the 10th Amendment right to govern ourselves then secession will be unnecessary. Since that prospect is very unlikely, secession will almost certainly be our only alternative to subjugation. Self-governance is our right under the laws of God, nature, international law, and our constitution.

Skeptics and opponents will tell us that the Civil War changed all that, that it meant that states are no longer what they were envisioned to be by our founders, but are now merely administrative districts of the federal government. Might doesn’t make right, and a deeper investigation of history shows that hundreds of nations throughout history have managed to throw off the yokes of their overlords and become independent. Within the last couple decades, the powerful military machine of the Soviet Union failed to thwart several states declaring and receiving their independence from Moscow. Even starving and powerless Africans managed to defy their European imperial overlords and assert independence.

Our federal government appears invincible at the moment, but this is superficial. Its apparent strength is built on the most unstable foundation conceivable. It relies on borrowing the greatest amount possible from increasingly impatient foreign governments against empty promises for unlimited usurpation of the unlimited wealth of future American workers. It relies on taxing hundreds of millions of Americans to the very limits of what they can bear. It relies on the threadbare fiction retained by its subjects that it’s both legitimate and stable – and it is neither.

Only time will tell how or when the bubble will burst. It will not endure. Like all bubbles of speculation and subterfuge heaped upon speculation and subterfuge, it relies on the illusions in the hearts and minds of its participants. When this illusion is compromised, the foreign investors will come after the trillions they’ve already lent and shut off the trillions which were required to pay the compounding interest on the trillions it already borrowed. What additional debt it will be able to amass will be much less, and at a dramatically higher cost.

While money is just money, this nation has become an asylum. It requires trillions in imprisonment, policing, capital infusion into third world enclaves, and multicult propaganda just to hold off a descent into martial law. If the welfare checks pouring into Detroit started to bounce, or the currency which they rely on became totally debased, millions of third world gangsters would become desperate and radicalized. If our prisons experience a cascade failure, our streets will flood with the MILLIONS of deviant wretches that our federal government has worked so diligently to hide from us.

This doomsday scenario is not something which merely could happen, it’s something which is imminent. California is leading the nation in both fiscal insolvency and the staged unraveling of government services which threatens to snowball into anarchy. Assuredly, Washington won’t let California burn, and will call upon its creditors and the other 49 states to bail the state out. It must be understood that California cannot be saved. The state government cannot save itself. Demographic and social forces much larger and more important than a mere state budget guarantee that California, and several states like it, will become entirely dependent upon federal aid to stave off implosion.

But it won’t actually stop the pain. It will only transfer that pain onto those states and communities which haven’t been entirely inundated with hostile and unproductive invaders. At some point, Americans in general, and Hoosiers in particular, will grow increasingly hostile and unproductive themselves. They’ll grow to resent what little wealth they can create in these difficult times being plucked from their fists just to buy some time before the inevitable implosion of the federal government’s social experiments.

But while the wholesale implosion of the federal government is imminent, we can’t be premature in our reaction. We can’t act until the average Hoosier realizes that secession is our only option. At the time of this writing, the federal government is still omnipotent, the federal fiction is still believed by the majority of Hoosiers, and the federal government has managed to avoid inflicting pain in the form of outrageous taxation. Sure, taxes and inflation are painful right now, but they’ll be stunningly worse in the near future.

Our task now is not to begin seceding, but to work to awaken our friends, family, and neighbors in Indiana to the situation. Even if they don’t believe you, even if they look at you like you’re crazy, tell them anyway. What will appear crazy to them at the moment will appear prophetic to them when these events unfold. Loan them a copy of this book, as a mere novelty for their amusement. At the very least, offer them some inkling of awareness of our existence and our message, so that they’ll know what to do and who to listen to when they do have ears to hear.

Source: http://www.hoosiernation.us/hoosiernation/hoosiersovereignty/ [2]