Rockwell was Right

[1]2,530 words

Editor’s Note

I had intended to write an article with this title to commemorate the birthday of George Lincoln Rockwell, who was born 93 years ago on March 9th. But I got too busy with other things, and the birthday sneaked past me. The title is specifically “Rockwell was Right . . . about Conservatives.”

In his autobiography This Time The World [2], Rockwell describes his experiences dealing with conservatives in the 1950s. In lieu of an article explaining his views, I have simply excerpted some passages from chapter 7. As you will see, very little has changed.

By the way, my initial impression of Rockwell was that he was a vulgar buffoon, but my views like those of most people were shaped by enemy propaganda. So when I picked This Time the World, I was quite surprised at the man’s sheer intelligence, rationality, and eloquence. It is a powerful and inspiring book. And, as you will see, Rockwell can be quite funny as well.

By this time [in the mid-1950s], I had had plenty of opportunity to look over the activity of the ‘right-wing’ — the conservatives — and had come to the conclusion, in my total ignorance of the real nature of the case, that all they needed to succeed was an organizational drive to get them ‘together’, with a businesslike plan. I had found that there were dozens and maybe hundreds of very rich men, like H. L. Hunt of Texas and Robert Welch of Boston, who felt much as I did and who, together, could pool enough money and resources to swamp the Marxist-Zionist Jews and left-wingers. There seemed to be plenty of talent and ability, and an actual majority of our people over on my side of politics, so that common sense seemed to force the conclusion that it was only a lack of determined effort to put this together which permitted the left-wing minority, sparked by the sub-minority of Jews, to keep winning victory after victory and thereby send America down the path to Marxist socialism and racial disintegration.

. . .

But I reckoned without any knowledge of the human content of the ‘right-wing’. From the millionaires to the scared little people who attend the endless, pitiful ‘conservative’, ‘100% American’, ‘old-fashioned’, ‘constitutional’, ‘states’ rights’ meetings, I learned by bitter experience that the human material of the right-wing consists 90% of cowards, dopes, nuts, one-track minds, blabbermouths, boobs, incurable tightwads and — worst of all — hobbyists, people who have come to enjoy a perverted, masochistic pleasure in telling each other forever how we are all being raped by the “shhh — you know whos,” but who, under no condition, would risk their two cars, landscaped homes, or juicy jobs to DO something about it. Knowing nothing of this , however, and being full of my usual enthusiasm and drive, I paid for a series of radio spots before and after Fulton Lewis’ show, announcing a Washington meeting to organize the right-wing.

The response seemed to be gratifying. Hundreds of people called, and I arranged with one of them, Sam Jones, the correspondent of Bill Buckley’s National Review, to use his lovely old Virginia mansion in McLean for our first meeting.

Of the hundreds who called, only about fifty showed up at the meeting, including John Kasper and an Arab friend. I addressed the meeting in the best ‘conservative’ style, lecturing ‘nicely’ on the need ‘to get together’ more than anything else, during which I received little flurries of polite applause. Ugh! How I shudder now to think of all that feeble, useless, stupid ‘niceness’ — while Our Race and our whole world are being brutally destroyed!

From time to time somebody in the audience would ask “What about the Jews!” and there would be snickers and shifting around of feet, like grammar school kids when somebody mentions the word “sex”. Then I would scold this ‘bold’ character for such a ‘disgusting display of prejudice’, making my righteous love of the ‘wonderful’ Jews very clear, and even sharing knowing winks with some close friends in mutual appreciation of my ‘clever’ deception.

The Jews would not have disturbed such a meeting for anything in the world. We, like a million other ‘conservatives’, were indulging ourselves in the illusion of ‘fighting’ treason, subversion, communism and racemixing — in other words, the Jews — without DOING anything and without hurting the enemy himself. If we did NOT have such silly little secret meetings, we would eventually build up such a pressure of frustrated patriotism that we just might have done something forceful, and therefore effective.

My wife took up a little collection, we passed out membership cards and then stood around babbling, as is the inevitable custom after such ‘battles’ with the enemy. Everybody congratulated everybody else at this new and terrible assault on the “Eskimos”, as John Kasper called them then, and we went home all aglow with the great ‘success’.

. . .

I poured out my time and money in an all-out effort to organize the right-wing ‘nicely’, under the aegis of the American Federation of Conservative Organizations, and published a national conservative paper. We held meetings in the best meeting rooms in the Statler and Mayflower hotels. I had beautiful stationery engraved in gold. I used all my skill in art, writing, organizing, promoting and leading – the same skills which are now serving the American Nazi Party so well – but my best efforts were useless. The basic premise of conservatism was wrong.

Although it is made to appear so, the battle between the ‘conservatives’ and ‘liberals’ is not a battle of ideas or even of political organizations. It’s is a battle of force, terror and power. The Jews and their accomplices and dupes are not running our country and its people because of the excellence of their ideas or the merit of their work or because they have the genuine backing of the majority. The Zionists are in power in spite of the lack of these things, and only because they have driven their way into power by daring minority tactics. They can stay in power only because people are afraid to oppose them, afraid they will be socially ostracized, afraid they will be smeared in the press, afraid they will lose their jobs, afraid they will not be able to run their businesses, afraid they will lose their political offices. It is fear and fear alone which keeps these filthy left-wing sneaks in power. It is NOT ignorance on the part of the American people, as the ‘conservatives’ keep assuring each other — “ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” — when the truth is that any slave knows the truth — that he is a slave — but he is not free in spite of knowing this truth, unless he can somehow obtain the power to force his way to freedom. It is not the truth which will make us free in America, because millions already know the truth and hate bitterly what is going on, but they are afraid even to admit they know the truth. Ten million signed the petition for Joe McCarthy and they are not all dead, although they might as well be, as long as the right-wing spends all its time and money trying to ‘win’ another ten million instead of getting the ten million we already have to stand up! We have plenty of people, money and facilities to take America back from the traitors tomorrow morning if all the people who already know what is going on were not afraid anymore and would stand up!

As long as the right-wing confines its fighting to being ‘nice’, the great masses of the public will bow down like the sheep they are to the left-wing which is NOT nice — which uses smear, economic persecution, legal harassment and finally, physical terror to maintain its domination of our national life and culture by force. The force is disguised, of course, in checkbooks, judges’ robes, rigged party conventions, etc., but it is still force or the threat of it which has America down and afraid. No amount of papers and pamphlets, were they all masterpieces of propaganda, and no amount of talk and meetings can stop this growing left-wing force and power, and the fear it inspires — much less drive it back and destroy it.

But in 1955, I still imagined we could ‘sneak up’ on the Jews, like my sissy friends. We would build a great ‘grass-roots’ membership by not mentioning the Jews at all, or even praising them. Then, while they suspected nothing, we could become stronger and stronger and finally, one fine day, we would wipe the smiles off our faces, spin around on the surprised Hebrews and let them see just what we had in mind!

I found this coward’s dream being promoted everywhere I went. Every ‘conservative’ I met would draw me aside and groan about the latest outrages and treason of the “you-know-whos” and describe to me the latest plans to sneak up on the tormentors. I was as much beguiled by this childish illusion as anybody else. l spent hundreds of hours discussing the methods for this super-sneaky revolution and the only thing I gained from it all was the final discovery that it was and always has been impossible to unseat the terrorists by talk. One must dislodge such evil usurpers by the same weapon which got them in: POWER! Theirs was and is secret and disguised. Ours, by nature, must be open, legal and honest, but it must still be power, not talk or pamphlets or sneaky dreams. Thus it involves risk.

I also grew to know the people my wife and I came to call the “die-hards”, for some obscure reason I can’t recall. These were the perennial ‘patriots’, the eternal attendees of meetings, the inexhaustible babblers, the super-clever know-it-alls who are going to ‘throw the election into the house this time’ and the disgusting hobbyists who discharged their pent-up ‘patriotism’ once a week or so in the masochistic orgasm they seemed to obtain by flagellating themselves with the latest outrages of the Jews. These people seemed to have been ‘fighting’ the Jews all their lives, decade after decade. Their standard reaction to anything they didn’t think up themselves in the way of new schemes for sneaking up on the Jews was, “I was fighting this thing before you were born, son.” This was supposed to send the upstart packing, as if people who had spent forty or fifty years fighting so unsuccessfully had any business opening their mouths at all. These “die-hards” would insist on bending one’s ear endlessly and at all hours of day or night. Any attempt to escape from them was taken as a personal insult. My wife and I grew to dread the sessions with the “die-hards”, who were not interested in doing anything except talk and were World Champions at the pastime.

Our meetings were better and better attended, but there was no result at all. Nothing was accomplished. As the months wore on and we began to see our small savings diminish with no signs of any real progress, I began to come down with a case of ‘desperationitis’ so common to the right-wing. I had begun to meet a large, unorganized, but regular circle of ‘patriots’ which exists everywhere, with whom I discussed all kinds of tricks for ‘spilling the beans’ about the Jews, all at once. There were endless plans for dropping ‘the whole story’ out of airplanes on top of the public, while the helpless Jews watched in impotent rage as the millions of leaflets fluttered down, out of the sky. There was talk of a plan to raid a TV station of one of the major networks and hold the personnel at gunpoint, while one of us — nobody cared to discuss who, exactly — would present to the breathless millions the documents and facts on the jewishness of Communism, which we have in such abundance, but which mean so little as long as we reach only one another. There was even a scheme for sending aloft huge signs on balloons, tied to inaccessible places, which would ‘squeal’ on the Jews from the sky, while they scrambled madly to get them down. These wild ideas are actually being discussed, right now, as you read this, by otherwise intelligent people somewhere, people who are simply too overwhelmed by their own timidity and ignorance to understand that even if they played these nasty tricks on the Jews, there would be no result at all.

Just two weeks ago, as I write this, the Jews used two or three minutes of one of my speeches to introduce a long program on behalf of race-mixing on a national TV network show. Mine was the only voice for the White man in that dreary hour of Jewish race-mixing propaganda. The Hebrew media-masters even used the section of one speech in which I explained that the Jew Communists were organizing the colored races of the world in a mass assault on the White Man. The Jews imagine, in their own ignorance, that my speech, delivered to a howling mob in Washington in all its naked passion and ferocity, will repel people — which is just as wrong as the “die-hards” with their silly idea that ‘spilling the beans’ will somehow ‘wake up the people’ and attract their support. Neither is the case. People are more inert than it is possible to believe, even after you discover their inherent inertia. it takes an incredible quantity of propaganda, repeated over and over and over to move them even a little bit. This is one of the reasons Joe McCarthy told me that he wouldn’t even attempt to tell the whole truth. “They’d simply put me away as a lunatic,” he said, “and the public would forget what it was all about.” And he was probably right.

The idea that there is anything easy that can be done which will send the Jew traitors scurrying for Israel like rats, while we walk triumphantly into the White House, is one of the worst self-delusions which has been keeping the right-wing babbling and conspiring while the Jews have been laughing at us and trampling all over our Constitution, our rights, our traditions, our dignity and our White Race.

Anybody, when he first discovers what is going on, might be forgiven a certain period of nourishing this delusion and hope, but when he sees the Jews starving the families of his fellow hopers who lose their jobs, who get railroaded into jail, shipped to ‘mental health centers’ and are smeared and blasted for just the slightest attempt to stand up to Jewish power, he ought to get the idea in no more than a few years. Any man who spends thirty or forty years pretending to imagine there is such an easy way, while our country and our White Race go down and down is not a dreamer, nor is he ignorant. He is a coward!

‘Conservatives’ are the world’s champion ostriches, muttering to one another down under the sand in ‘secret’, while their plumed bottoms wave in the breezes for the Jews to kick at their leisure. They are fooling nobody but themselves.