The Counter-Currents 2013 Summer Fundraiser 
Update & Appeals from Tito Perdue,
Ingrid Rimland, & John Morgan

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Since our last update [2], we have received seventeen new donations totaling $3,364.99, of which $2,000 will be matched by one of our donors, for a total of $5,364.99. That means that our total so far is $29,324.29. Our goal is to raise $50,000 by October 31, so we are $20,675.71 away from our goal — almost 60% of the way there. Again, I want to thank all of our donors for their generous support.

Since I decided to freshen this appeal with the voices of some of our writers and friends, we have heard from Jef Costello, Kerry Bolton, Andrew Hamilton, Juleigh Howard-Hobson, and Gregory Hood. Tito Perdue, Ingrid Rimland, and John Morgan have now added their voices of support.

“As if we weren’t already in the most serious civilizational crisis in the whole history of The West, consider how much more serious would be our plight in the absence of Counter-Currents and the sort of unafraid people like Greg Johnson. Fast forward a couple of generations and your grandchildren’s textbooks (assuming our demographic actually survives), will cite this publisher as one of those who were willing to stand against the diseases of our dwindling age.”–Tito Perdue

“Counter-Currents is a pleasure to visit. It’s my privilege to endorse the current fundraising campaign.”–Ingrid Rimland, Ed.D.

“Since its inception, Counter-Currents has offered a unique forum to the English-speaking world where political and cultural non-conformists of many different persuasions can meet and exchange ideas. I can think of no other site where the New Right, the Old Right, traditionalism, literature, pop culture, Eurasianism, postmodernism, and even anti-natalism all rub elbows. And yet, for all this diversity, Counter-Currents is always focused upon a single aim: the regeneration and restoration of our civilization, toward which all of these approaches ultimately strive, albeit in radically different ways. At the same time, the breadth of its scope and the brilliance and wit of its authors makes it a visceral pleasure to read on a daily basis. Such originality is irreplaceable. If the forces that oppose liberalism in all its forms are ever to emerge from the morass they have been stuck in for decades, new styles and new ways of thinking must be developed to convey the eternal truths. It is from the colorful stir-fry of something like Counter-Currents that the intellectual and ideological weapons that will challenge the prevailing paradigm will emerge. As such, it should be supported by anyone who favors original and dangerous thinking.”–John Morgan

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To help Counter-Currents, you can make two different types of donations:

Recurring donations are particularly helpful, since they allow us better to predict and plan for the future. We have added several new levels for recurring donations. Please visit our Donations [3] page for more information.

We can also customize the amount of a monthly donation.

There are several ways to make one-time donations:

Please give generously!

Thank you for your loyal readership and support.

Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing, Ltd.