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The Way of Men

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Jack Donovan
The Way of Men
Milwaukie, Or.: Dissonant Hum, 2012
170 pages

paperback only: $14 [2]

Read Jef Costello’s review here [3].

“Jack Donovan’s The Way of Men is an essential book on the nature of masculinity and why it is under assault in the modern world. But it is much more than that, for understanding masculinity is essential to understanding politics and the dynamics of human history. Thus, despite its accessible and unassuming style, The Way of Men is also a work of political philosophy. Indeed, it is a profound critique of liberal modernity. Hegel claimed that history began when men dueled to the death over honor. According to Donovan, the ‘end of history’ is not merely a global, homogeneous consumer society, for the defining characteristic of modernity is emasculation. The recovery of masculinity, therefore, requires unplugging from modern society, forming small-scale, bonded male groups (which Donovan calls gangs), and ultimately starting history and politics all over again. The Way of Men is revolutionary in the true sense of the word. This is the best book on masculinity since Fight Club.”

— Greg Johnson, author of Confessions of a Reluctant Hater


The Way of Men is the Way of the Gang
The Perimeter
The Tactical Virtues
On Being a Good Man
Thug Life: The Story of Rome
A Check to Civilization
The Bonobo Masturbation Society
What is Best in Life
Start the World
How to Start a Gang


Jack Donovan is a writer and artist who lives and works near Portland, Oregon. His books include A Sky Without Eagles (2014), Blood-Brotherhood and Other Rites of Male Alliance [4] (with Nathan Miller, 2010), and Androphilia [5] (2007). For his latest work, visit [6].

hardcover only: $14
