The Counter-Currents 2015 Summer Fundraiser
The Final Tally

246 words

Wilem Kalf, Still Life with Drinking Horn, 1653 [1]

Wilem Kalf, Still Life with Drinking Horn, 1653

On Tuesday, November 3rd, we received 3 donations totaling $1,370, which put us over the top, with a total of $40,193.80. The Summer Fundraiser is now dead. Long live the Fall Fundraiser!

So far this year, we have received donations from 303 unique individuals. In the same year, we have received more than 800,000 unique visitors to this site. Thus 303 people make it possible for more than 800,000 others to get free stuff off the internet.

I want to thank you on my behalf, and on behalf of all the people who enjoy bountiful enlightenment and entertainment due to your generosity.

* * *

If you want to start paying for what you and others get from Counter-Currents, you can make two different types of donations:

Recurring donations are particularly helpful, since they allow us better to predict and plan for the future. We have several levels for recurring donations. Please visit our Donations [2] page for more information.

We can also customize the amount of a monthly donation.

There are several ways to make one-time donations:

Please give generously!

Thank you for your loyal readership and support.

Greg Johnson