Ten Untimely Ideas

[1]643 words

Translator’s Note:

The struggle white nationalists wage for the genetic, cultural, and territorial heritage of their people is no less a struggle for those ideas necessary to their survival.


Here, freely translated from Guillaume Faye’s Pourquoi nous combattons (2001), are ten ideas I think relevant to this struggle.—Michael O’Meara

EUROPE is at war, but doesn’t know it . . . It is occupied and colonized by peoples from the South and economically, strategically, and culturally subjugated by America’s New World Order . . . It is the sick man of the world. [page 9]

ARCHEOFUTURISM: The spirit which realizes that the future arises from a resurgence of ancestral values and that notions of modernity and traditionalism need to be dialectically overcome [59] . . . To confront the future, especially today, dictates a recourse to an archaic mentality that is premodern, inegalitarian, and non-humanistic, to a mentality that restores ancestral values and those of social order . . . The future thus is neither the negation of tradition nor that of a people’s historical memory, but rather its metamorphosis and ultimately its growth and regeneration. [From Archéofuturisme 11, 72]

IDENTITY: Characteristic of humanity is the diversity and singularity of its peoples and cultures.  Every homogenization is synonymous with death and sclerosis . . . Ethnic identity and cultural identity form a block, but biological identity is primary, for without it culture and civilization are impossible to sustain . . . Identity is never frozen.  It remains itself only in evolving, reconciling being and becoming. [146-48]

BIOPOLITICS:  A political project responsive to its people’s biological and demographic imperatives . . . Biopolitics is guided by the principle that a people’s biological quality is essential to its survival and well-being. [63-64]

SELECTION: The collective process, based on competition, that minimizes or eliminates the weak and selects out the strong and capable.  Selection entails both the natural evolution of a species and the historical development of a culture and civilization . . . Contemporary society prevents a just selection and instead imposes a savage, unjust one based on the law of the jungle. [212-13]

INTERREGNUM:  The period between the end of one civilization and the possible birth of another.  We are currently living through an interregnum, a tragic historical moment when everything is in flames and when everything, like a Phoenix, might rise reborn from its ashes. [153]

ETHNIC CIVIL WAR: Only the outbreak of such a war will resolve the problems created by the current colonization, Africanization, and Islamization of Europe . . . Only with their backs to the wall is a people spurred to come up with solutions that in other times would be unthinkable. [130]

REVOLUTION: The violent reversal of a political situation that follows a profound crisis and is the work of an “active minority”. . . . A true revolution is a metamorphosis, that is, a radical reversal of all values.  The sole revolutionary of the modern era is Nietzsche . . . and not Marx, who sought simply another form of bourgeois society . . . We have long passed the point of no return, where it is possible to arrest the prevailing decay with moderate political reforms. [210-11]

ARISTOCRACY: A true aristocracy embodies its people’s essence, which it serves with courage, disinterest, modesty, taste, simplicity, and stature . . . To recreate a new aristocracy is the eternal task of every revolutionary project . . . The creation of such an aristocracy is possible only through war, which is the most merciless of selective forces. [60-61]

WILL TO POWER: The tendency of all life to perpetuate itself, to ensure its survival, and to enhance its domination, its superiority, and its creative capacities . . . The will to power accepts that life is struggle, an eternal struggle for supremacy, the endless struggle to improve and perfect oneself, the absolute refusal of nihilism, the opposite of contemporary relativism . . . It is the force of life and of history.  It is not simply the organic imperative for domination, but for survival and continuity . . . A people or a civilization that abandons its will to power inevitably perishes. [227]