The Real White Racism


‘Blessed Art Thou’ – Kate Kretz

470 words

Racism is universal. Everybody is racist, including non-whites and mainstream whites.

Social conformity and blind obedience to perceived authority—that is to say, prevailing cultural norms—powerfully define the form of racism that predominates.

In the twentieth and twenty-first centuries anti-white racism has ruled the roost. It expresses directly as prejudice, discrimination, hatred, violence, and genocide, and indirectly through the social and legal privileging of non-whites and perceiving and depicting them as superior.

Whites are at least as susceptible to anti-white racism as they were previously to outward-directed racism. This is an observable fact.

Psychologically whites employ dissociation in this connection. They are not racist—other whites are. Not one white in a million takes it personally when whites as a group are ridiculed, maligned, defamed, discriminated against, jailed, or murdered. In their minds, someone else is being given the what for.

Even less do whites perceive that they are encompassed with every maligned subgroup: Nazis, Germans, Europeans, South Africans, colonialists, Southerners, segregationists, racists, businessmen, jocks, fraternity boys, WASPs, rednecks, hillbillies, hicks, Klansmen, Christians, blondes. In the racist arena, these are all just code words for white.

Indeed, anti-white values are experienced by whites as morally redemptive. Racism imparts a strong sense of moral superiority, if it is directed against whites.

More subtly, anti-white racism may be expressed by ignoring (literally refusing to see or acknowledge) dominant and pervasive hatred and discrimination while simultaneously elevating and glorifying non-whites ethically, aesthetically, and emotionally. Obviously, for non-whites to be superior, or victims, somebody else must be inferior, or oppressors—even if only implicitly.

Whites’ racism thus does not seem to be grounded primarily in either fear or self-loathing. On the contrary, it appears to create a subjective halo around their heads, imparting a gratifying sense of holiness: freedom from sin.

Whites’ racism strikes me as deeply immoral. But I may be virtually alone in evaluating human social behavior primarily in moral terms.

At the very least, today’s racism is unprincipled—it is logically inconsistent. No one, anywhere, genuinely eschews racism. They merely reject the kind of racism that is exclusively talked about.

Finally, the refusal to see or acknowledge anti-white racism may be a function of an innate (or acquired?) idealist-monist-universalist psychological outlook. A true belief in oneness impels adherents to believe that every human being on earth is ultimately the identical expression of divine Love, or universal Spirit, that they are. (Typically monists deny the reality of evil.) Equalitarianism also has its roots in this point of view.

Monism among whites need not be, and often is not, Christian. But it can be.

Again, from a principled perspective oneness would require whites to care at least as much about their fellow whites as they do about non-whites. But, objectively, it does not have such an effect.