White American Identity Politics

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The American political arena and mainstream media is rigged against White American solidarity. Almost every single race or ethnicity has a political organization to serve its specific racial or ethnic interests. The glaring exception is a mainstream-credited or nationally-recognized political group dedicated to White American interests. There are groups dedicated to White advocacy, but they are invariably plagued by accusations of “extremism” or “hate” or “bigotry.”

The Preamble to the United States Constitution lists one of its purposes as to “secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.” Perhaps this explicit dedication to the interests of the White founding stock means that no White advocacy groups are needed. Maybe the explicit mandate of the Constitution demands the protection of liberty for the posterity of the White race, so White advocacy groups are superfluous. Until the middle of the twentieth century, this view might hold water. In light of the onslaught of anti-White propaganda, legislation, indoctrination, and social policy that has since followed, this explanation is a recipe for White political suicide.

Under oppressive legislation, a hostile media, and an anti-White educational system, the interests of White people have been subverted in favor of a cacophony of minority voices, all of which are alien to the original aims of the Founding Fathers. White Americans can no longer rest assured that the Constitution means what it says, or that the United States exists to preserve the interests of its White founding stock and their progeny. Instead, White Americans must organize specifically and purposefully on racial grounds, realizing that all other groups are slowly destroying each liberty and privilege that White Americans used to take for granted.

White Americans have no choice but to participate in racial identity politics. If White Americans remain unorganized and without a unified voice of advocacy, they will eventually succumb to being nothing more than demoralized tax-producers for the growing entitlement class. Even worse, White Americans will face a perfect storm of skyrocketing entitlements, smoldering racial grievances, and violent uprisings emanating from the non-White racial groups. This will not be a safe or secure future for White Americans. Look to the fates of Whites in the formerly productive countries of South Africa or Zimbabwe for examples of what happens when Whites are subject to a ruling majority of non-Whites. South Africa used to be the jewel of Africa. Rhodesia (the predecessor to the failed state of Zimbabwe) was the breadbasket of Africa, exporting food to its neighbors. Now, South Africa and Zimbabwe are the rape and murder capitals of the world, and Zimbabwe cannot even feed itself, let alone its neighbors. More than five thousand Whites have been murdered since the transition to a black government in South Africa, and the numbers of rapes and robberies are too many to accurately list. American Whites need to take decisive and organized political action before they become a hated minority in their own nation.

Latinos, Hispanics, and mestizos — whatever the gatekeepers of morality decide to call them — are free to organize, protest, and advance political goals strictly on the basis of race or ethnicity. Consider some of the mission statements of these advocacy groups: The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is busy “[a]dvancing the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, health, and civil rights of the Hispanic population in the United States.” The National Council of La Raza “is the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States” and “works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans.” Note that the translation of “la raza” into English is “the race.”

Jews are free to advocate specifically and exclusively for other Jewish people. Among other goals, the Anti-Defamation League “defends the security of Israel and Jews worldwide.” The American Jewish Congress is “organized to defend Jewish interests at home and abroad through public policy advocacy — using diplomacy, legislation and the courts.” Similarly, Asians are free to rally around race. The Asian American Justice Center exists “to advance civil and human rights for Asian Americans.” Blacks have a multitude of race-based advocacy groups. A special group for black practitioners exists for almost every professional occupation. Furthermore, the Congressional Black Caucus exists as an exclusively black organization and is comprised of exclusively black Congressmen advancing exclusively black interests.

In fact, all “people of color” (meaning all non-White people) have an implicit license to politically organize according to racial identity. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) states: “The NAACP’s principal objective is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of minority group citizens of United States.” Blacks, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, “people of color” — all of these groups advocate and organize on the basis of race or ethnicity. Yet White Americans may do no such thing without an onslaught of defamatory remarks, negative press coverage, and accusations of “hate” or “extremism.”

The knee-jerk negative reaction to a White identity organization is not natural. Suspicion regarding an explicitly White political group is the product of intense conditioning from a very young age. The origin and methodology of this conditioning is too complicated to adequately explain herein, but much of it stems from public education, globalist elites, and the corporate media. In short, from a very young age, White Americans are taught that love and admiration for the race and ethnicity of non-Whites is a healthy and sociable trait, but love and admiration for Whites by Whites is strictly forbidden. White Americans are conditioned to scorn their own heritage and to fawn over all other races. According to the ruling orthodoxy, admiration of non-Whites is tolerance and love but admiration of Whites is hate and bigotry.

No other group in America is taught or conditioned to have the same amount of self-sacrificial aims or self-loathing emotions. In fact, most other ethnic groups are encouraged to have a deep and profound sense of heritage and ethnic identity. Perversely, Whites are expected to enthusiastically jump on the non-White bandwagon while abandoning their own families. Whites must celebrate the achievements of every other race and ethnicity. Only Whites are forbidden from celebrating their own extended family, heritage, and history. Any sense of pride or identity stemming from a genetic origin must only be experienced vicariously for White Americans. An entire month has been dedicated to a celebration of the contributions to high culture, technology, art, philosophy, and civilization produced by black Americans. If someone protests that an entire month seems like immense favoritism towards blacks, then calls of “racism” are certain. Any opposition to the politically correct viewpoint is met with swift “justice” and the punishment is summary social execution.

The mere accusation of “racism” is enough to ruin a career, sink a political campaign, cancel an entertainment show, or alienate an individual. Perhaps this is a better explanation for the dearth of White political groups. Most of the nonsensical “truths” that modern Americans are forced to swallow are nothing more than shibboleths. If the shibboleth is met with anything other than the proper response, the “outsider” has been successfully identified, and swift countermeasures will be undertaken.

Instead of American spies inside Germany’s Third Reich being discovered by holding up the pointer, middle, and ring fingers to signify the number three, American citizens within the border are identified as racist outcasts by merely questioning the dubious notion that “diversity is our greatest strength.” Instead of asking a gringo to pronounce a Spanish word with a rolling ‘r’, ask the sociology professor who is up for tenure about her thoughts about the long-term viability of an increasingly diverse America. She had better work on her “accent” and toe the party line if she wants to have a successful academic career. Otherwise, she may infect future legions with the disease of critical thought, healthy dissent, or individuality. Heaven forbid, she may even fail in her greatest duty– to indoctrinate her pupils with the glorious fonts of wisdom which are Political Correctness and Tolerance for Diversity. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of this efficient method for political cleansing. A Soviet apparatchik would shriek with joy at the simplicity of this plan for purging the undesirables from the New Plan for Humanity.

As non-White Americans are free to create political organizations for the sole purpose of advancing the interests of a specific ethnicity, and White Americans are forbidden to do so, non-Whites enjoy fundamental rights and benefits which are denied to Whites. The logical implications of these thoughts and observations are non-controversial, but the act of drawing attention to it is definitely controversial. It might even be . . . “racist.”

As White Americans are prevented from organizing, thinking, or acting in a unified manner, and yet all other non-White groups are permitted and encouraged to do so, White Americans are at a distinct political disadvantage. Social pressure, media influence, legislation, and educational indoctrination combine to influence Whites against organizing or even thinking on the basis of race. This injustice must not stand. White Americans must organize to advance their own interests or they will fade into a dispossessed minority in the nation their forefathers carved from the unforgiving wilderness. White Americans must regain the political power they have implicitly relinquished. White Americans need not fear their own shadows any longer. Instead, White Americans must take back the reins and restore the conditions that made the United States of America into an exemplary society and a first-rate civilization.

© 2010 by Christian Miller, all rights reserved