Weekend Non-Update


Caspar David Friedrich, "The Stages of Life," c.1835

224 words

Originally when this website went online, I intended to publish “blog” items only occasionally, and never on weekends. But I quickly got caught up in the excitement of daily publishing, which was reinforced by immediate feedback in the form of commentary and rising traffic.

This exercised a subtle pressure to think in terms of quantity, whereas my original intention was to let quality alone dictate our publishing decisions. Slowly, I found myself writing, translating, and reprinting items just to have something new every day. But our long-term goals, not the immediate production of novelties, should be our guiding principle.

Now that the editing of books and the first volume of our print journal North American New Right has put increasing demands on my time, I have come to see the wisdom of my original plan.

Henceforth, this blog will not be updated on weekends, although I will feature certain writers and topics to encourage readers to explore our archives.

Furthermore, I am going to focus increasingly on publishing only original works, not reprints from other websites, although I will continue to archive the writings of our principal authors that appear on other sites.

Thank you for your loyal readership.

Greg Johnson
Counter-Currents Publishing Ltd.
& North American New Right