Our New Video of the Day Feature


Credit: Jeffrey Coolidge

170 words

In addition to the high quality written work that you have come to expect from Counter-Currents — in addition to our new Counter-Currents Radio [2] podcasts — Counter-Currents will now be featuring a Video of the Day [3], Monday through Friday, for those of you who watch the television machine.

Our Videos of the Day will of course be relevant to the metapolitical project of the North American New Right, but they will also be entertaining. We will include documentaries, satire, commentary, and music videos.

This week, the Videos of the Day will appear here on the main page. Starting next week, they will be available on the right hand navigation bar, just below the Search function.

I am not a video person. I am counting on our readers to find or create new material. If you think we should include a video, it is wise for you to assume that I do not already know about it, and contact me at [email protected] [4].

Thank you for your readership and support.

Greg Johnson