The System vs. Democratic Multiculturalism

1,673 words

HandUp [1]I would like to further explore some aspects and implications of the idea of “democratic multiculturalism [2]” — the idea supported by Frank Salter and Ricardo Duchesne that Whites need to play the multicultural game by demanding a “seat at the table” while resolutely demanding that White identity and interests be taken seriously by the regime.

My contribution to the debate was advocating that Whites become as loud and obnoxious in this regard as are the Others, constantly pushing memes of anti-White discrimination and forcing the diversity-mongers to take their ideals at face value instead of as a thinly disguised grab for Other-Power.

This has of course prompted the usual outcry from the peanut gallery of the pathetic “movement” — this strategy is “weak” and it “dishonors our ancestors.” As if the current “movement,” with its decades of unending failure, tragicomic buffoonery, complete infiltration by System operatives, and unrelenting stupidity, is something that “our ancestors” would be very proud of. Those complaints demonstrate that the complainer is too stupid to discern that the strategy outlined is “means” not “ends” — it is, simply put, a form of sociopolitical ju-jitsu to undermine the multiculturalist system by forcing that system to live up to its own ideals down the slippery slope to chaos, or be exposed as hollow and hypocritical. Stating this openly is not a problem, since the System will know it anyway; the point is to press the issue in such a way as to create a “heads we win, tails they lose” scenario so that the System fails regardless of how they attempt to address the issue.

Consider that multiculturalism is based on the “ideal” of minority collectivist mobilization and majority atomization and passivity. Minorities will continue to be mobilized; that is the first principle of multiculturalism, even more fundamental than majority passivity. Minority mobilization is a given (and we would wish it so, since minority passivity would lead to full assimilation and miscegenation even faster than currently, and would lull Whites to sleep even more than now). Therefore, the key to destabilize the System is majority mobilization. To mobilize Whites, one needs to give them something to get mobilized about. Like it or not, in today’s Last Man society, the White masses will not get mobilized to “honor their ancestors” or to “actualize a High Culture.” The far-Right pro-White elites may be so motivated today, and, in a future state run according to our principles, the masses would follow the path of honor and greatness. But today? Today, Whites need to be mobilized through grievance, through racial self-interest, through anger, through exposure of anti-White discrimination, through the entire immersion of Whites in a self-discovery of identity through the same paths followed by other groups in the morass of multiculturalism.

At this point, we need to consider some of the possible ways the System may attempt to derail the strategy of democratic multiculturalism. The following is in no way a comprehensive analysis, but a brief survey, to stimulate further thought, analysis, and refinement. Please note this applies mostly to the American situation, the situation in Europe is quite different. Europe has rigid speech control laws (which activists there need to overturn), while, at the same time, having relatively weak social pricing. In America, we have the opposite: de jure free speech, coupled with de facto control due to intense social pricing.

The System would either Refuse or Accept the place of Whites as full partners at the multicultural table. Refusal is more likely than acceptance, at least at the early stage. Both refusal or acceptance can be turned to our benefit. However, at the same time, the System would attempt to manipulate both refusal or acceptance in ways beneficial to their side. How could they do so and what could be our response?

With respect to Refusal, there could be: Ignoring, Ridicule, Argumentation, Social Pricing.

Ignoring is the easiest to deal with in the long run, although it may seem daunting in the short run. If we are to believe our own propaganda, then the situation for Whites will become more dire, more unpleasant, with the passing of time. We must persevere in our attempts to speak out, to ask Whites why their legitimate concerns are ignored. We should look at “ignoring” as an opportunity: an empty niche to fill with our own voice. Granted, that voice has to be reasonable, and not full of “movement” Nutzis ranting about cephalic indices, 0.15% “admixtures,” Evola and Savitri Devi, Atlantis, Hitler as the man above time, or other crackpot stupidities.

Ridicule is a potent weapon, since we live in “the age of snark.” We should expect the System to mobilize its celebrities, comedy routines, quick-witted Levantines, smug politicians, etc. to mock the idea that “privileged Whites” could possibly have any problems. They would prey upon right-wing insecurities about “looking weak,” “being beta,” or “dishonoring our ancestors,” as if a stoic “stiff upper lip” while your race and civilization is being destroyed, as if “sitting poolside,” as if doing nothing — as if all of that is somehow “strong and honorable.” Winning honors our ancestors; losing disgraces them. Do what you have to do to win. Persevere through the ridicule. Again: if we believe our own propaganda, the situation for Whites will deteriorate to a point that I guarantee that, eventually, they will not find anti-White ridicule funny at all. We can ask why is the System mocking your legitimate suffering? Why are your legitimate interests ridiculed? Why is your identity a joke? And, most important: we absolutely must use the weapon of ridicule against our opponents. They are far more vulnerable in that regard, objectively speaking. It’s just that they have the “megaphone” and we do not. Getting our message out will be a challenge.

Argumentation will be used, the standard leftist boilerplate about “White privilege” and the usual sociological nonsense. In a “fair fight,” we could easily defeat our opponents in any such debate (provided we keep the Nutzis gibbering among themselves in a corner, where they belong). The problem is inherent in the other components of Refusal: having the power and the “megaphone,” the System could Ignore or Ridicule our Argumentation, or subject our representatives to Social Pricing. So, we can win Argumentation only to the extent that we can solve these other issues and create a more level playing field. In any sort of “fair fight,” intelligent and rational racialists would wipe the floor with their opponents; the System knows this, which is why such a “fair fight” is not allowed. We must struggle to obtain it.

Social Pricing is in the long run the most difficult problem we face. Le Brun stated as much in a podcast, talking to Greg Johnson. In Europe, the social system does a better job of protecting folks from social pricing, while in “free market” America, such protection does not exist. Ultimately, we need to build an infrastructure of sufficient breadth and depth so as to make social pricing a weaker weapon of the System. Unfortunately, the pathetic “movement,” with its incompetent affirmative action leadership, shows no signs of doing so or even of acknowledging that such is necessary. Decades of time, money, and support have been wasted by “movement” trash and their “Der Tag” apocalyptic fantasies. The truth is far more mundane and less “heroic.” The “movement” won’t want to hear it. I’ll say it anyway. In my opinion, the real “turning point” will NOT be when “Whites storm the ramparts” or whatever other doomsday scenario whets the onanistic fantasies of the “movement” — instead, the turning point will be when overt pro-White activists can safely and securely live a comfortable middle-class existence while simultaneously being public far-Right representatives of White interests. I can only imagine the “movement” reaction to that. All the keyboard warriors will get lathered up into a frenzy over the “dishonor” and “pettiness” of such a statement. By golly, we need to “head for the mountains” and “smash the System,” while playing “Rambo” and eating twigs and branches. That’ll show ’em! I hope sane and rational minds will consider my proposed “turning point” and realize I’m right about that.

What about Acceptance? What if the System says, yes, White Identity and Interests can be part of multiculturalism? What then? If they do so, it will be for the purpose of co-opting our strategy, from putting forth bogus “White leaders,” masters of the “implicit Whiteness” game, to lead Whites into a sterile cul-de-sac in which mild complaining will be allowed, System representatives will pretend to listen, and all else goes on as before.

Thus, Co-Opting/Selling Out is the major System ploy I expect in the event they at same point choose the Acceptance option. They would try to defuse White anger by faux concessions, transparent ploys that would be accepted by the fake leaders and thus also accepted by the not-too-bright masses (the same masses routinely hoodwinked by the GOP).

The answer here is to have disciplined, sincere, vetted, visionary leaders who know how to expose the phony leaders, who would demand that only genuine pro-White leadership be representatives of Whites at the multicultural table, leaders who understand the difference between means and ends, and who have their eyes fixed on the endgame — destabilization of the multicultural system.

For White mobilization under genuine leadership will be the death knell for multiculturalism, the harbinger of chaos. Minorities, nurtured in an atmosphere of self-righteous racial-moral posturing, who believe they have a birthright monopoly on racial mobilization, these folks would never accept White mobilization. Whites standing up for themselves as Whites is the ultimate blasphemy for Coloreds and White Leftists, the Original Sin (which is why the System would, I think, prefer Refusal if they could get away with it). And the more angry the Coloreds/Leftists get, the more White Identity will become hardened, the more the societal divisions will fossilize into balkanization, the more untenable the whole situation will be.

Chaos! Our ancestors would be honored by that; the conflict would inflame their blood. Let’s do it.