The Lord of the Rings:
The Return of the Meme

3,171 words [1]

We owe a great debt of gratitude to J. R. R. Tolkien, who embodied the medieval bardic tradition, and penned his epic tale in rebuke of mechanized modernity. I doubt even Tolkien could have predicted that some fifty years later, his story would look more like prophecy than fable. Then again, Tolkien probably sensed Europe had entered its twilight. The Great European Civil War of the twentieth century, which Tolkien fought in during its first phase, impressed upon him that modernity, with its unrelenting industry (capitalism) and hi-tech weaponry, was destroying the West. He longed for a return to the agricultural and yeoman values idealized in his depiction of the Shire, to the hierarchical and kingly values that he envisioned in Aragorn, and the Nordic ideals of beauty and perfection he represented in the Elves. The march of modernity, however, has continued unabated, accelerating at an exponentially increasing rate. In the meantime, the slow drip of decay has swiftly moved into the phase of invasion and struggle. Now, more than ever, The Lord of the Rings [2] (henceforth LOTR) is a source of inspiration for our people.

We are now living in an era that his story aptly anticipated. Lest anyone misconstrue my aims, I do not presume to say that LOTR is an allegory, but rather to apply the lessons of the story to our current age, as Tolkien himself intended: “I cordially dislike allegory in all its manifestations, and always have done so since I grew old and wary enough to detect its presence. I much prefer history – true or feigned – with its varied applicability to the thought and experience of readers.”[1]

It goes without saying that a story grounded in Germanic mythology is Right-wing. The world is medieval, martial, and aristocratic in its values. One’s skill with the sword, the bow, or the spear dominates this world. But Tolkien’s story goes beyond merely recasting medieval society to create a mythology that glorifies Right-wing concepts.

Tolkien’s Middle Earth exemplifies Blut und Boden (Blood and Soil).

The relationship of the land to the different types of beings in the world of LOTR is unmistakable, particularly as depicted in Peter Jackson’s film trilogy. A character’s inner traits are reflected in their outward appearance and in their environment, both at a group and an individual level.

The Hobbits are small, docile, and cheerful beings, just like their Shire with its bucolic green pastures. The Elvish lands are pure and unblemished, and are of a grander quality (amidst soaring forests, rushing rivers, and mountain peaks), just like the Nordic ideal the Elves represent. The race of men falls in between these two extremes: they are of normal height and appearance, and their natural surroundings appear bleak and drained of life, suggesting their inward decay. The most desolate depiction of nature is the land of Mordor, where the earth has been charred to black and the creatures that inhabit it mirror this inversion. Hideous Orcs live in Mordor, foul creatures formed through miscegenation, in defiance of the natural divisions dictated by nature. Their companions-in-arms are the brutish Uruk-hai, born of mud and black-skinned, and beastly in appearance. Perhaps most indicative of Tolkien’s belief in blood and soil physiognomy is the Hobbit Sméagol, who is transformed into the wretched-looking Gollum as the Ring corrupts his soul. Corruption and purity cannot be hidden; nature reveals what is desiderata (Elves, Hobbits, men) and what is repulsive (Orcs, Goblins, Uruk-hai).

In the current year, the doctrine of Blood and Soil is anathema. Its association with National Socialism renders it beyond the pale. But the German völkisch philosophers which Hitler drew upon did not create the concept of Blood and Soil, they only gave it a name, a brand, that is easily understood. Blood and Soil is merely the propaganda form (what we call memes) of Darwinian evolution. Man’s adaptation to his natural surroundings is the basis of evolution. The fate of every nation is determined by these two things: its people and its land. LOTR highlights this reality through strikingly different depictions of the characters and their natural environment.

The importance of nature is at the forefront of conflict in LOTR: that which is good cooperates with nature and protects it, while that which is bad subjugates nature and destroys it. The preeminence of nature resonates with us on the Alt Right because our ideology is rooted precisely in nature [3], of which man is a part, and cannot escape its dictum that life is unequal and hierarchical. Liberals of the hippie persuasion have glommed on to LOTR for its glorification of nature, but the story belongs to us for its radical depiction of Blood and Soil, even more so because the story itself is deeply Right-wing beyond that.

LOTR takes place during the sudden resurgence of an old threat to Middle Earth, one long thought to have been destroyed. The world’s former glories have decayed, the great halls and cities of Middle Earth have waned, the White Tree of Gondor no longer flowers, the throne sits kingless, and the people drift without leadership to guide them. The decadence of yore has turned to rot and the ancient enemy of Middle Earth now begins its long-awaited assault. Only a select few realize the mortal threat that is rising, with the fate of Middle Earth resting in the hands of unassuming Hobbits.

The same could be said of Europe and the rest of the White world. We are witnessing the rise of an old enemy once vanquished and presumed dead, an enemy long forgotten in our decadence, but one which has regathered its strength while Western man has turned against himself, an enemy that now marches once more for our destruction. I speak of Islam, which has awakened from its centuries-long dormancy and has set its gaze upon the lands of Europe once again for conquest. Like Sauron’s armies of Orcs and Uruk-hai that seek to replace the race of men, Western man is being replaced from all sides by non-Whites.

The Dark Lord from the East failed in his first attempt to enslave the world, but his life-force carries on through his one ring, drawing its power. Similarly, Islam failed in its initial conquest of Europe, but carries on through the Qur’an, which perpetuates the ideology of total subjugation under Dar al-Islam.


 The events in Jackson’s Lord of the Rings are shockingly similar to what is happening today. The blackness that typifies the Dark Lord Sauron and his creatures is also the standard color of Islam, typified by the black flag of ISIS and the uniforms of its soldiers. The all-seeing eye of Sauron rests in a crescent moon scanning the earth atop a lone tower, almost identical to the clock tower that looms over Mecca, so similar in fact that many comparisons have been made.


Similarly, the crossing of a river by Sauron’s hordes to attack Osgiliath’s forces are reminiscent of the migrant crossings over the Mediterranean Sea in order to invade Europe. Even more analogous, we have seen images of migrants marching through the fields of Europe that look no different from a pack of Orcs and Uruk-hai ransacking Middle Earth.



Marauding band of orcs or helpless refugees? You decide

Historical Importance

In Jackson’s The Return of The King, Sauron’s forces attack the capital of Gondor, Minas Tirith, the City of Kings. We are told by Gandalf that “this city has dwelt ever in the sight of [Mordor’s] shadow”[2] as we see that it is directly facing the hellish fires of Mount Doom. The white city is reminiscent of Constantinople, the ancient City of Emperors which was the focal point protecting Europe from incursions from the East.  Middle Earth still has its Constantinople, but the fight for Minas Tirith resembles the Battle of Vienna, where the largest cavalry charge in history defeated the Muslim forces of the Ottoman Empire. In the film, we see Théoden, King of the Horse-lords of Rohan, leading them in a triumphant cavalry charge against the hordes laying siege to his keep.

Today, our great city of Constantinople has already fallen to the East, but we can find hope that just as we defeated the forces at Vienna, so, too, will we repel this invasion of The Camp of the Saints [7]. This time, however, we face not merely the loss of one city, but the complete destruction of the West, just as in LOTR.

A New Fellowship

Right now we face an equally glaring threat that will plunge Western Man forever into darkness if we do not reverse course. Only a few of us understand the severity of the threat, but already the Alt Right has forged a new fellowship as unlikely as that of Tolkien’s epic. We have our autistes and NEETs, our 1488er trolls and philosophers, our betas and chads, intellectuals and shitlords, religious and irreligious, Christians and pagans, and young and old. We hail from lands all around the world, both physical and virtual. From online groups, social media, Webzines, blogs, chans, and forums, to real-life forums, institutions, and networks, we have come together as the last men of the West seeking to save our people and restart history. We are a new fellowship faced with the same fate: victory or destruction.

The Enemy

The forces destroying the West are not just the foreign hordes, but internal forces that have weakened Western man. This enemy is the materialism that has hollowed out our culture and our very souls. Material vanities have replaced our Thumos. We are drawn to LOTR in part because it is all about Thumos; in other words, men live and die for their people and their honor. We also see the opposite in the undead soldiers who are condemned to dwell forever in the mountain pass, having been cursed for breaking their oaths. Materialist man fights only for his own greater comfort, and this is the path to nothingness.

And who do we see allying with the Dark Lord for the destruction of Europe? It is the wizard Saruman, the figurehead of Jewish subversion. Deceptive and cunning, Saruman allies with Sauron’s hordes to achieve the destruction of man, just as the Jewish community sides with non-Whites and pushes for further non-White immigration. Some may wonder why Saruman wants to live in a despoiled world filled with Orcs rather than men. The reason is simple: his heart is set upon ruling over the men of Middle Earth. Thus, Saruman seeks to destroy them with hordes of brainless Orc and Uruk-hai. In the same vein, Jewish people throughout Western nations continue to push for the invasion of non-Whites into all the European lands, even though in the long run they will be worse off. That is immaterial for them, for what they seek is their own success and dominion, regardless of whether or not that entails reducing everyone to the status of the Third World. One also cannot discount that far too many Jews are motivated by an ethnic animus to destroy a perceived long-standing enemy to their tribe. In the films, Saruman exudes a genocidal disdain for the men of Middle Earth that could only be attributed to long-held resentment.

Saruman’s vision is to turn men into mere creatures of work and war. He boasts, “The world is changing . . . [and] together, my Lord Sauron, we shall rule this Middle Earth. The old world will burn in the fires of industry. Forests will fall. A new order will rise. We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fist of the Orc.”[3] I know of no more apt metaphor for Jewish-led America than work and industry. No European or Middle American wants these wars in the Middle East. It is entirely a Jewish endeavor. The recently revived hostility towards Russia also bears the imprints of Jewish interests and voices. As for industry, one need not speculate on the identity of the globalists and international capitalists driving the reins of industry (capitalism) that is displacing White people, incentivizing Third World invasions, and destroying the Earth’s environment. They readily admit their identity [8].

Saruman is not alone, either. He is accompanied by his collaborator Wormtongue, a representation of the court Jew [9], poisoning the mind of King Théoden with lies and false promises. In The Two Towers, Théoden appears sickly and near-comatose under the spell of Saruman after having invited Wormtongue to join his council. Many of our Western leaders suffer a similar fate under the spell of Jewish influence, where they bribe our politicians and whisper lies in their ears. The disaster in the Middle East is the direct result of not one but many Wormtongues having infected our leaders with poisonous lies, which in turn caused the Iraq War, the Syrian civil war, and the migrant invasion. These neocons are the fathers of the migrant hordes.

The center of power is the Eye of Sauron, a symbol of the hostile mass media, which never ceases in its search for heretics who oppose liberal orthodoxy. The merciless, tireless gaze of Sauron’s eye is always watching, searching for its “precious”: the White male who stands up for his race. Dissidents who are unlucky enough to have its gaze fall upon them are hunted down as if by the nine Ring-Wraiths, to have their lives destroyed.

Lastly, there is Gollum, who may simply be a Golem as the name implies, or something else entirely. He could symbolize the corrupting effects of a person burdened with White guilt for too long. There are multiple analogies that could be drawn, as with any of the above characters and storylines.


We on the Alt Right have all experienced a journey similar to that of King Théoden, having been freed from the spell of liberal indoctrination spewed by the likes of Wormtongue, suddenly finding ourselves unable to comprehend what has transpired. In The Two Towers, while preparing for the battle of Helm’s Deep, Théoden laments:

Where is the horse and the rider?
Where is the horn that was blowing?
They have passed like rain on the mountains,
like wind in the meadow.
The days have gone down in the West,
behind the hills . . . into Shadow.
. . . How did it come to this?[4]

We have awakened from the politically correct lies spread by the media, Hollywood, and academia to ask ourselves this same question. At Minas Tirith, Gandalf provides an answer:

The old wisdom that was borne out of the West was forsaken. Kings made tombs more splendid than the houses of the living and counted the names of their descent dearer than the names of their sons. Childless lords sat in aged halls musing on heraldry or in high, cold towers asking questions of the stars. And so the people of Gondor fell into ruin. The line of kings failed, the White Tree withered, and the rule of Gondor was given over to lesser men.[5]

The wealth of the West has led to decay. We no longer have children and cannot sustain our nations. We truly are ruled by lesser men. The rule of kings and aristocracy has been replaced by plutocracy under imposters like the Steward of Gondor. All of our great feats, our architecture, our people, is withering away.

LOTR is a tale of the West’s revival and the uniting of our people against an existential threat. A return to bravery, strength, and noble sacrifice. LOTR is a story that captivates our people because it touches upon the deepest meanings of life: the struggle for survival, decay and regeneration, hope and despair, beauty and ugliness, honor and treachery, strength and weakness, all told through an intensely moving story of triumphal perseverance.

When faced with a mortal threat, Western man awakens form his slumber to find his heroic and fighting spirit. “For what can men do against such reckless hate,” asks Théoden, to which Aragorn replies, “Ride out and meet them.”[6] Arise and fight, that is the lesson.  As Aragorn thunders in anticipation of the final battle: “This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good Earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!”[7] And stand we will. This hour of trial is but one in our long history.

We few, we lucky few, should feel blessed that we are the first to stand on the cusp of our great resurgence. For we will win; it is only a matter of when. This terrible time in our history, when all hope seems lost, will only bring us to greater heights. We have been given the chance to show our true valor, the wonderful chance to achieve lasting glory. In the current year, we get to write real stories that will shape history, and remember fondly the ones that meant something to us:

Sam: I know.
It’s all wrong.
By rights we shouldn’t even be here.
But we are.
It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo.
The ones that really mattered.
Full of darkness and danger they were,
and sometimes you didn’t want to know the end,
because how could the end be happy?
How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad happened?
But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow.
Even darkness must pass.
A new day will come.
And when the sun shines, it will shine out the clearer.
Those were the stories that stayed with you.
That meant something,
even if you were too small to understand why.
But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand.
I know now.
Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn’t,
because they were holding on to something.

Frodo: What are we holding on to, Sam?

Sam: That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.[8]

Those of us on the Alt Right have found the good in this world worth fighting for: our people, our heritage, and our civilization. We are holding on to that something and will continue to fight for it until we have overcome.

Some have likened the presidential victory of Donald Trump to the Battle of Helm’s Deep, but in truth, most of the White world is still stuck in the Shire, unaware of the impending doom. Trump is like Gandalf sounding the alarm for Middle America at the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring. Trump’s victory is merely equivalent to escaping from the Ring-Wraiths by the skin of our teeth to find momentary solace in Rivendell. We must now embark on the journey to save the White world.



1. J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring [10], rev. ed. (New York: Ballantine Books, 2001), p. xi.

2. The Return of The King, directed by Peter Jackson, New Line Cinema (2003). See [11]

3. The Two Towers, directed by Peter Jackson, New Line Cinema (2002). See [12]

4. Ibid.

5. The Return of the King.

6. The Two Towers.

7. The Return of the King. See [13]

8. The Two Towers. See [14]