White Self-Guilt Twists Historical Truths and Undermines Healthy Nationalism Everywhere

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A few days ago I ran across a provocative and thought-provoking tidbit in a Western production of an anti-Japanese propaganda movie. This movie was proudly and gleefully introduced to me by a typically bitter and hostile Chinese chauvinist colleague of mine, in a WeChat group of which I am a reluctant member for the sake of work-related communication.

The movie, released in 2014, is named Diaoyu Islands: The Truth and was directed by Chris D. Nebe, a German filmmaker working at a small Hollywood film company. While ostensibly a documentary film, it employs arrant historical lies and half-truths to distort and muddle up the picture pertaining to the historical status of the Japanese Senkaku (Chinese name: Diaoyu) Islands northeast of Taiwan and southwest of Okinawa; in the process it displays both a shameless shilling for and groveling to China, and a baleful traducing of Japan.

What’s more, the film flickers with signals of ingrained self-guilt on the part of the white liberal pseudo-intellectuals and media operatives who were involved in its creation. This self-guilt not only serves China’s premeditated and long-practiced propaganda strategy of “divide and conquer” when it comes to Japan and the West, using historical disputes as a wedge, but also works to smear, discredit, and derail the healthy nationalism of nations like Japan – all to the delight of the old and new flag-bearers of anti-nationalism, globalism, and neo-imperialism such as diaspora Jews, Gentile elites, and China. Such self-guilt is suicidal to the white race in the long run by whitewashing and polishing the image of the Chinese regime and rolling out a red carpet for China’s rampant territorial expansion backed by brute military force and crafty propaganda. It is also sinisterly inimical and deleterious to the healthy nationalism of other civilized peoples, and therefore must be unequivocally named and opposed.

Though it seemed only a small production with limited circulation and influence, the stories behind its production were quite revealing, being indicative of the intent and motives of the director and his team.

This luridly tendentious film tells China’s side of story in the islands dispute between China and Japan, arguing entirely in favor of China’s claim while totally denying Japan’s justifiable and demonstrable historical sovereignty over the disputed islands. The film’s conspicuous and dubiously selective use of historical materials constructs a false historical narrative, and its flawed arguments are neither factual nor rational, but are instead extremely emotional and frenzied. For example, the film focuses heavily on old Chinese-Japanese grievances, going back to ancient times and including the First Sino-Japanese War of the late 19th century, and the Second Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945. These conflicts are used to paint a stark and slanted picture of Chinese suffering (with the spurious Nanking Massacre and other alleged Japanese atrocities on parade) as a basis for Nebe’s illogical reasoning that Japan owes China not only the islands, but also an apology for their wartime aggressions, the intricate historical and political causes of the historical Chinese-Japanese conflicts — as well as Japan’s repeated post-war apologies and heavy aid and assistance to China — be damned. Needless to say, Nebe had swallowed the official Chinese propaganda hook, line, and sinker; and revealed his willful malice towards Japan as well as his poor grasp, if not utter ignorance, of the historical truths behind the complex and multifaceted contemporary relationship between China and Japan.

And even if all the aggressions and wartime atrocities had indeed been perpetrated by Japan as claimed by Nebe in the long past, is it logically sound and reasonable to force a peaceful, democratic and civilized Japan to hand over part of its inherent sovereign territories to an arrogant, brutal, militarist and expansionist China? Should Japan cede the islands to a China that has never inhabited or exercised any sovereign control over that piece of territory in modern history, just like in the case of Taiwan which China avidly covets, constantly bullies, and is hell-bent on annexing?

For a brief historical lesson, the islands at issue had been essentially uninhabited, except for occasional stopovers from Japanese, Chinese, and Taiwanese fishermen throughout their history. Japan formally included them under its sovereign administration in early 1880s without any Chinese dispute or counterclaim, and has since exercised actual control of them. During the last century or so, the Manchurian Dynasty, the Nationalist regime, and the current communist regime that ruled China one after another all conceded the fact that the islands belonged to Japan, which was attested by various historical and official Chinese documents and publications including diplomatic letters, a government-issued atlas, and the communist state newspaper The People’s Daily. It was only in 1969, when the UN Economic Commission for Asia and Far East reported the islands’ surrounding waters were possibly rich in natural resources, that the Chinese started making sovereign claims over the islands. The issue subsequently became a flashpoint of and a rallying cry for militant Chinese nationalism, Chinese victimhood-signaling and anti-Japanese sentiment.

Not that this territorial dispute in the Far East and West Pacific has anything to do with the White nationalists of the West per se, but here are some relevant and sobering facts that do merit our attention. In the movie, Japan’s “unrepentant” or “non-apologetic” stance was excoriated and drawn into comparison with the “readily apologizing” post-war Germany as exemplified by the stale and shopworn episode of the former West Germany chancellor Willy Brandt’s kneeling down before the Jewish cemetery in Warsaw, one of the favorite and frequently-used clichés for the Chinese and Western liberal extortionists to morally lecture Japan.

Furthermore, it was emphatically reported that the movie director Chris Nebe, a Weimar-style degenerate erotica filmmaker in his early days, asserted that he spent $500,000 of his own money working on this movie, which meant he was not biased in favor of China and not acting as a “Chinese propagandist.” First, we never know for sure whether he lied regarding the real source of the money for his film production. Considering China’s bloated war chest for conducting active propaganda campaigns in Western countries with its heavy financial investment and overt and covert infiltration into Western media outlets — especially its strenuous and incessant effort to rope in and cooperate with movie studios in Hollywood to “tell the Chinese stories” to a Western audience — it is highly dubious that Mr. Nebe actually told the truth regarding the source of financial backing for his film; even if he didn’t lie and never prostituted himself to China in exchange for financial rewards and other undisclosed benefits, his “honest and independent” effort was still harmful, abominable and alarming to White Nationalists as it shows exactly the kind of ugly mentality and skewed, fallacious worldview prevalent among and preached by the Western liberals, Jews and Gentiles alike, who were behind the production of this film and who are culpable for having wrecked Western societies. These liberal elites are now poised to erode and eviscerate healthy nationalism of other advanced and cohesive nations, such as Japan. Not to mention the harm done more generally by Nebe’s loose and incoherent interpretation of history and wanton employment of phony and invalid historical data in this so-called documentary film.

In a further analysis, Nebe’s film epitomizes two fatal problems with consequential implications.

First, it encourages and further intensifies an extremely dangerous and pernicious practice that is the rivalry of self-degradation and self-debasement. The Brandt kowtowing episode is now often trotted out by Western liberal intellectuals and the Chinese government as an evidentiary proof of Germany’s superior moral conscience in comparison with Japan and to shame the latter for its inadequacy of self-guilt and remorse. The purpose was to create and cement a vicious cycle of pathological rivalry between the two former proudly nationalist nations after both lost the war, to prompt them to engage in a competition of demeaning and spitting at themselves to see who can sink lower, and in that process, to snuff out the last remaining vestiges of Japanese nationalism. Suffice it to say, and I say the following with great pains as an ardent national socialist and long-time germanophile, due to the inexorable burdens of Hitler, National Socialism, and Holocaust, the more thoroughly brainwashed and spiritually castrated Germany has emerged victorious in this competition of self-abuse so far. Smug and self-pleased German hustlers masquerading as scholars or artists such as Nebe always take a morbid satisfaction out of their superiority over Japan in terms of the magnitude and frequency of confessing and repenting, and of flagellating, trashing, and eschewing the history and traditions of one’s own nation. But with the persisting activism of China and Korea sparing no effort to maneuver against Japan on false historical grounds, and branding the exaggerated Nanking Massacre with the stigma of newly-invented Holocaust, who can guarantee that Japan will forever fall behind Germany in this perverse contest of self-lynching between two nations?

Second, by virtue of the film’s production and the fanfare it received (it was given a Gold Award at the Houston International Film Festival in 2015), we are led to perceive a dangerous and alarming reality in today’s Western societies: the White liberal intellectuals and business elites of the West both shill for China, both speak in China’s favor, and both act as China’s proxy, shoe-polisher, and lickspittle. In regard to their respective motive, that of the former has been dissected and amply discussed in the previous paragraph, which is mainly about moral posturing, virtue signaling, and satisfying one’s sick ego — perhaps with a complementary factor of Chinese monetary bribes for those corrupt and unconscionable souls who are donning the cloak of scholars and professors. While for the latter (i.e., the business elites), the main motive consists almost exclusively in venal, unscrupulous, and fat financial interests which they expect to gain from business dealings with China. Now we are witnessing a new pattern that has emerged on the horizon, namely, the two streams of foul water are joining each other to form an establishmentarian intellectual-industrial complex that works to serve China’s strategic interest and global ambitions all the more feverishly and sedulously. For example, in the past few years, whenever major German newspapers chose to report the disputed islands at issue they sided with China invariably and without rigorous historical scrutiny. This is reflected by both the content and the tone of their reporting, which largely comports with the official stance and attitude of the Chinese government. Apparently the German media did this with dual consideration on ideological and materialistic grounds: first, to flaunt their moral high ground vis-à-vis Japan as fellow vanquished nations over 70 years ago; and second, to curry favor with and cast sheep’s eyes at China so as to sell more cars and outsell the Japanese brands in the huge and lucrative Chinese auto market.

Nebe also weirdly claimed that China has been unfairly and persistently mistreated, misunderstood and villainized by the West since the end of the WWII. This argument is proven false and untenable simply by taking a look at the formerly hardcore communist and lately oligarchic-imperialistic nature of the Chinese regime, as well as the unceasing and unstinting outflow of capital and technology transferred to China and tremendous amounts of Chinese exports allowed into Western nations by the ruling Jewish-plutocratic political-business establishment in the last several decades, all under the banner of a global market and free trade and at the dire expense of the White middle- and working-class. In addition to this, hundreds of thousands of Chinese spies disguised as scholars and students are welcomed into the West with little scrutiny at the expense of overall national and economic security in the Western nations. All these facts have been unfolding before our eyes and are too unmistakably evident to deny or embellish. This claim of China’s mistreatment, together with Nebe’s wanton misrepresentation of history in the Chinese-Japanese relationship portrayed in his film, was done with utter brazen temerity in outright disregard of the glaring reality that China is an exponentially destabilizing and detrimental force on the earth and poses a cardinal threat to the long-term security and welfare of White people. In this sense, Diaoyu Islands: The Truth is so egregiously truth-distorting and disgusting that the ingratiating and cloying Chinese song performances of Ivanka Trump’s and Jim Rogers’ preening daughters pale in contrast.

White nationalists face two major internal enemies: the Jewish-Gentile leftist political-cultural force, its intelligentsia, media, education, and foot soldiers (Antifa and the likes); and the nation-less, race-blind, and money-crazed corporate plutocrats. They also face the major racial, geopolitical, and economic external adversary of China. These three major enemies work in tandem and must be confronted and dealt with without any illusion or compromise in order to ensure the long-term survival and prosperity of white nations, including their traditions, culture, and identity.

Finally, in line with the title and central topic of this article of mine, here’s my earnest appeal and stern warning to White liberal intellectual and art poseurs such as Mr. Nebe, who have worked tirelessly throughout these years to obliterate their own racial and national identity: stop smearing, slandering, and guilt-tripping the Japanese and other civilized and decent peoples into abandoning their inherent national pride and identities because of your own brainwashed, guilt-laden, vitiated and besotted mindset! Stop destroying other peoples’ traditionalism and nationalism that are natural, wholesome, and amicable to White nationalism; and countervailing to a wicked and vicious globalist-imperialist Chinese chauvinism!

Or we will fight you to the end, tooth and nail, brain and brawn.